

Who We Are

Quasi systems is an engineering company specialized in providing remarkable industrial services and turnkey solutions for Egyptian manufacturers. The main objective of our company is to assist industrial organizations in optimizing performance to reach their full potential with the aid of our expertise, professionals, specialists, and customer needs.

CEO Message

CEO Message

“At Quasi Systems, our objective is to optimize industrial performance and overcome challenges faced by manufacturers. With our expertise and deep understanding of customer needs, we deliver customized solutions for growth and success. Our engineering capabilities enable us to tackle complex projects and offer a comprehensive range of services for various sectors and industries.

We take pride in our engineering capabilities, which enable us to tackle complex projects and deliver innovative solutions. Our team of experienced engineers work closely with our clients, ensuring that their specific requirements are met and that our solutions align with their business goals. From industrial automation to process optimization, we offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to various sectors and industries.”

Eng. Mohamed Salah - CEO

What we offer

What we offer

With over ten years of experience in the market, delivering value to 500+ clients, we continue to deliver cutting-edge, fully integrated electrical products and services across Egypt, the Middle East and North Africa. Quasi’s scope of work expands from studying projects to designing, developing prototypes, supplying, commissioning, startup, and offering recommended spare parts

Unique Value Proposition (UVP):

Unique Value Proposition (UVP):

Our infrastructure and electrical turnkey solutions help our customers to improve their performance by providing them a custom-tailored turnkey solution based on their requirements.



At Quasi Systems, we firmly believe that our vision is the continuing driving force behind our growth. Our desire was and still to build an institution that outlast our lives, and a strong inclination towards being driven by our values



To turn the strength and potential of Quasi Systems team into a catalyst for the economic expansion of Egypt through developing an industry identity and quality brand image as well as engaging all stakeholders in creating synergy for the benefit of our country


Code of Conduct

We are pleased to present the Quasi Systems Energy and Control Solutions Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct (the Code) is our commitment to governing our business activities – both inside and outside the Company. Only companies that have integrated ethics in their culture, strategy and day-to-day practices are sustainable. Quasi Systems Energy and Control Solutions has no tolerance for compromise.

The Code is a living document that guides our daily business decisions and actions. In doing business the right way, we promote and ensure respect from our employees, suppliers, agents, customers, consumers and competitors. Our reputation of fairness, honesty and transparency is key and critical to our success. The Code of Conduct applies equally to our employees.

Our Company culture of forward-thinking, a pioneering spirit and working with a sense of urgency and accountability is reinforced by our commitment to the principles and values in the Code of Conduct.

It is our duty to raise questions and concerns if we observe a violation or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. In doing so you protect yourself and the Company from legal and financial risk. There are multiple reporting channels available to you, including an anonymous and confidential online reporting form.


Core Values

Meet Our Team